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The information and communicationsystem cross cuts into each and every other sector besides its specific development funding in the economy. There is a huge source of funding from security instruments including investors who are looking for opportunities where they can put their savings, Venture capitalist are a  huge hit and want to lend the money they are raising digitally or secured through by fiat money. Practically each person has a right to a property that they can use to secure their transaction to enable them do the things they like especially investing in entreprenuership



The purpose of providing an induction on the sector is to bring to speed our prospective associates by discussing the avialability of money that they can use to realise their objectives.


so that they realise wproperty.    .In providing an enterprise information and communication system, CisoNet proposes an innovative approach which starts by providing a review or overview of the percieved problem or opportunity. This followed by proposed solution and its prototype example to address the needs of the enterprise. The are times when the enterprise will require affiliation or consortium to meet the scope of the program opportunities. Most importantly however is identification of a team of the enterprise assocaites to carryout the activities and to provide the resources to achieve the targets mission and vision of the enterprise


which or entreprenuership based concept to accelerate the transformation of industry information and communication system to the cloud. It therefore call for the entreprenuer to not only notice a problem through a review but also provide a solution proposal.

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