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Many of us find ourselves at a loss on compeletion of our academic and even technology educational programs, from the institutes and colleges of higher learning, particularly in a situation where employment is scarce and every one keeps on saying that we should create employment for our peers. We forget that we are entering a new realm of learning for a purose as oppossed to learning with a purpose.


It is especially confusing when every body encourages entreprenuership, innovation, freelancing  and even startups yet there is no dispossible capital to start a business and even if the money was available then the question would still remain; what business should one start!

Many of us find ourselves at a loss on compeletion of our academic and even technology educational programs, from the institutes and colleges of higher learning, particularly in a situation where employment is scarce and every one keeps on saying that we should create employment for our peers. We forget that we are entering a new realm of learning for a purose as oppossed to learning with a purpose.


It is especially confusing when every body encourages entreprenuership, innovation, freelancing  and even startups yet there is no dispossible capital to start a business and even if the money was available then the question would still remain; what business should one start!


Most importantly, though, is how does one reconcile all this knowledge gained over many moons with tarmacking year in year out looking for employment in the midst of massive layoff, retrenchment and retirement.


Even though I have faithfully followed all the protocols which are meant to prepare me for industry, such as learning with a purpose to acquire certification, paticipating in leadership, career, mentorship, motivational and even attachment and pupilage programs, I still feel unprepared to transform into the industry and link my education to practice and especially where I may have to start my own enterprise.


Everybody says that the future of employment is in the information and communication sector and there are many stories in the social media about how much people are making online from home and the available opportunities and jobs in the cloud all over the world as long as you have an account and have the right skills to deliver. You can become rich over night!.


It is with this in mind that CisoNet devised this strategy of learning for a purpose, learning by doing, learning through an example and most importantly earning as you learn It is good that you learned with a purpose to acquire your certificates but it time now you learned for purpose of solving a real life problem for a return.


CisoNet believes that your knowledge is digital money which can be banked to loaned to those who need your services some they call a win win dependance.


In this Induction training; we cover all the above and more. Specifically, discuss working modality that can repilicated in any system as we we examine how the information and communication system is organized to support its transformation to the cloud.

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