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The CisoNet Cloud Solution Platform provides employment opportunity for creative and innovative individual with entreprenuership inclinations to assist in sourcing of venture capital and funding, capacity building,  applications and systems development and customization and also systems deployment and maintenance. These opportunities are available to the individuals with post secondary education certificates. The InnoNode is vehicle to be uses by the associate either as a driver or a loader as support the enterprises in their quest to transform their information


Placement & Attachment


The is an opportunity to identify and review the cloud solution partnership enterprises through establishing and documenting the purpose for why they are formed and also reviewing their governance structure and assisting and directing the consortia to transform thier information and communication system to the cloud and maintaining a record of secured directory.   


On Line Conference


This involves abstration of programs, projects and tasks from the purpose, mission and vision of an enterprise and keeping and maintaining the records of their portfolio, manifest and ledger.


Exhibition & Convention Events


 resources of a project tasks are identified with a view to producing budgets and related project projections and management processes to ensure an efficient and effective realization of the enterprise pupose and objectives


Contract Management


Contract management ensures accountability and transparency in transactions with service providers. The contract management managers will support the enterprises with applications and resources for this purpose.


Empowerment Facilitation


The empowerment facilitators provide familiarization and recruitment induction on the cloud platform and also sources of capital and funding solutions to create wealth and employment opportunities to post secondary education innovators and freelance entreprenuers.


CisoNode Operation


The CisoNode operators are entreprenuership enterprises nearest to the consumer and supports the community enterprises (IdeaNodes) with a backup to their information and communication system in the delivery of their economic services. The CisoNode operator opportunity exist practically in every village where there is a cluster of people. Thus CisoNet has an opportunity for coordinating and supporting the CisoNodes with sourcing, setup and facilitation of the Information and Communication Service System.


Innovation Associates


In addition to the governance and management of the enterprises, there also exist opportunity for individuals with appropriate qualification and skills to provide capacity building, funding mobilization, technology enhancement and also immplementation, operations and maintenance services to  the partnership enterprises in activities and events involving for example data collection, processing and documentation to enable decisions that are beneficial to the enterprise. These activities may include creation of CloudNode Listing and Partnership promotion and marketing applications, site development using building and design packages and also logistics and compliance data analysis and processing into decision making intelligence as well as infrastructure development, supply, operations and maintenance. Thus this means the opportunities for innonodes are innumerable.

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