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QuadFund is a four shades of thought concept build as a node in the CisoNet Cloud Solution platform, it offers enterprises the opportunity to enhance accountability through structured management in the drive to transform the enterprise information and communication system to the cloud. The platform is supported by associates who offer their respective skills to create efficient and productive solutions for the benefit of society and environment at large.


Today, investors and other stakeholders trust intermidiaries to, on their behalf, deploy thier resources so as to achieve their objectives, goals and the purpose for which an enterprise is formed relying on evaluations and reports from the intermidiaries to assess progress and performance and to establish whether their vision and mission is being met and accompolished.


QuadFund gives the investor a direct control of how their investment and resources are applied in the enterprises of their choice and with the CisoNet Cloud Solution, the investor becomes an associate of the enterprise and authoritatively determines where and how their investment is utilised. Specifically, those investors who donate their resources for a cause and trust the intermidiaries to deliver their will on their behalf will find the platform refreshing and even investors who contribute inform of capital and debt will particularly be pleased with QuadFund as an application


The CisoNet Cloud Solutions has implemented an hierachical platform starting with QuadFund whose main purpose is to mobilize funding for partnership enterprises, followed by CisoNet which is focued on induction training, capacity building and recruitment of those with post secondary certicates with a view of not only linking their education to industry but also to familiarise them to the CisoNet Cloud Solution platform in collaboration with institutions of higher learning, event organizers and other empowerment forums.


The individuals who have been inducted by CisoNet are inturn posted, on entreprenuership arrangement, to the Community Information Service Outlet Nodes (CisoNodes) in market or town centers to support the enterprises in the community with their needs of transforming their enterprise information and communication systems to the cloud and as such provide the investors who participate as associates a channel to enforce accountability for their resources while improving productivity and



The QuadFund 

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